The Guides
Guiding is one of the most important activities offered to the community by the Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens.
The Guides are an active group of trained volunteers who introduce the Gardens to visitors. They meet with local, interstate and overseas visitors and tell many interesting stories about the Gardens and its history, Walks, Talks and the Gardens.
Geelong Botanic Gardens - a local treasure: this U3A course is offered each year by the Guides and they may also assist with the School Holiday Programs and the Education Program at the Geelong Botanic Gardens.
Have you ever thought that you might like to become a Volunteer Guide with the Friends at the Gardens? New Guide training is conducted regularly in small groups and continues at monthly meetings.
Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month, supported by additional study sessions and occasional outings.
If you would like to learn about the Gardens and to help visitors enjoy them, please contact the Friends’ Office.
Australasian Conference of Volunteer Guides in Botanic Gardens
Our guides regularly meet with other guides from botanic gardens from all over Australasia.
February 2021